White Clover 白三叶 ; [植] 白三叶草 ; 白车轴草
mosaic of white clover 白三叶草花叶病
White clover mosaic virus 白三叶草花叶病毒 ; 白三叶花叶病毒 ; 和白三叶花叶病毒
wild white clover 白花车轴草 ; 白花三叶草
White Clover Honey 基维氏苜蓿蜜
White clover - Trace elements 白三叶草中微量元素
White clover meal for feedstuffs 饲料用白三叶草粉
Ladino white clover Ladino白三叶
Festival-goers decorate it with buttercups, red and white clover, wild geranium, goldenrod and cow parsley. (Matt Munro).
White clover has many genes that affect leaf color and shape, and the three in the study were very rare.
How these leaf traits are inherited and why white clover has so many rare leaf traits and has puzzled geneticists and breeders for many years.