... white leather strap 白色真皮表带 white leather shoes 白皮鞋 White Zipper PU Leather 新刊登优先 ...
The White Leather Shoes 一双白皮鞋
Unless you own a car, don't buy velvet, silk, embroidered, 10cm-heeled or white leather shoes.
如果没车,不要买丝绒、缎面、 刺绣、十公分高跟或白色皮鞋。
"Given a choice, I would never work in a mine," says Wang dressed in a pair of old jeans, white tennis shoes and a brown artificial leather jacket, dirt clogging his long fingernails.
“假如还有别的选择,我是绝不会再当一名煤矿工人的。” 身着一件牛仔裤,脚穿一双白球鞋,外套一件棕色的人造革夹克,留有脏兮兮的长指甲的小王如是说。
In winter they wear leather caps with ear flaps. Women wear white cloth socks and patterned shoes in summer, donning leather boots and long gowns in winter.