Who is it for 那是为了谁呀
Who is it that happiness 那个幸福的人是谁呢
Asked who is it 是谁啊
who is it s 他是谁
Who Is It DVD 唱片名
And who is it 和谁啊
All who is it 都谁呀
He Who is it 他会是谁呢
以上来源于: WordNet
"Who is it?" he called.—"It's your neighbour."
"Hello!" the voice said, more peremptorily. "Who is it? Who do you want?"
It is about a man who lives alone in a village from which everyone fled during Lebanon's fifteen-year civil war.
VOA: special.2009.03.11
We take the right half of Johns' brain, put it into Smith's torsel, hook up all the wires the right way, ? the thing wakes up, who is it?
and it's something that is part of who you are that you will not be able to give up.