美国的零售食品连锁企业自然食物公司(Whole Food Market),创立不过几年市值就超过了五十亿。它在通过盈利分享来提升业绩方面确有一套,来看看他们是怎么做的。
As in Britain,the brand was aimed at the middle market, between those loading up their carswith cheap food at Wal-Mart and those making expensive purchases at Whole FoodsMarket.
由于在英国市场,乐购主要将目标集中在中间市场,其消费者定位在那些往车子里猛塞沃尔玛的廉价食品的人和在Whole Foods Market购买昂贵食品的人之间。
Even if there's some hyperbole - supermarket food sales as a whole totaled $500 billion last year, according to industry analysts - it's still a big market.
At the US organic food retailer, Whole Foods Market, teams decide whether a new recruit should be allowed to join the company permanently after a four-week probation period.
在美国有机食品零售商Whole Foods Market,由团队决定新员工在4周的试用期以后是否可以永久加入公司。