为什么不可以呢 » Why can not it 我为我是这里的一员而感到自豪 » I am here is one of the members of the proud and ..
If cycling each day can make you healthier, why not commit yourself to it and have a better life?
It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.
If India can have any technology it wants, Iran asks, why not us?
So, we can think about why is it that these are not equal.
You remember in the first lecture I said there's a difference between the history of criticism and theory of literature, one difference being that the history of criticism has a great deal to do with literary evaluation: that is to say, why do we care about literature and how can we find means of saying that it's good or not good?
So, we need to fill our octet for selenium, so 1, 2, 3, 4.So, this is our Lewis structure here, hopefully you can see why it's not linear.