... wide-angle shower 广角簇射 wide-angle system 广视角系统 wide-angle viewing device 广角观察装置 ...
wide angle system 广视角系统
wide-angle viewing system 广角观察系统
wide-angle photographic system 广角照相系统
wide-angle imaging system 广角成像系统
wide-angle infinity display system 广角无限远显示系统
The Antennae galaxies take their name from the long antenna-like "arms," seen in wide-angle views of the system.
The image was taken by the spacecraft's Wide Angle Camera (WAC) on the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS).
This article describe the concept and definiens of Angle of view of super wide Angle bore hole television system, and by means of this television system to measure the object in the well accurately.