字符串常量前加L标记,即表明这是一个宽字符串(wide-character string),wstring是string的宽字符版本,wcout是cout的宽字符版本。
The locale setting will cause the % ls format specifier in printf to call the wcsrtombs function in order to convert the wide character argument string into the locale-dependent multi-byte encoding.
语言环境设置会导致printf中的% l s格式说明符调用wcsrtombs函数以便于将宽字符的参数字符串转换成依赖语言环境的多字节编码。
Just using glibc-wide character string functions and POSIX locales, however, does not amount to a Linux internationalization architecture.
不过,只使用glibc - wide字符串功能和POSIX locale,还不能构成Linux的国际化体系结构。
Prevents a line break at a double - wide character string, so that the line - breaking rule is equivalent to single - wide character strings.