... Chinese alligator as food 英文名 wild chinese alligator 野生扬子鳄 Chinese alligator scales 英文名 ...
It is estimated that the full size of the wild Chinese alligator population is about 122, distributed in 16 plot-like habitats.
估计野生扬子鳄种群实际大小在122 条左右,分布于16 个斑块状栖息地。
参考来源 - 安徽野生扬子鳄生境现状及饲养种群繁殖力分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It is estimated that the full size of the wild Chinese alligator population is about 122, distributed in 16 plot-like habitats.
The key to save the wild Chinese Alligator is to know the breeding mechanism of the remaining wild population and its survival strategy under such a serious human pressure.
Not only did Human's production and life affect the organic environment of the Wild Chinese Alligator, but also affected the inorganic environment of the Wild Chinese Alligators.