Welcome to Our Site! 关键词: 麻疹野病毒; 逆转录-聚合酶链反应; 基因型 [gap=1371]Keywords: wild measles virus; RT-PCR; genotype
wild-type measles virus 麻疹野毒株
Wild live measles virus 活麻疹病毒野株
wild type measles virus 麻疹病毒野生株
wild-type measles virus prevailing 麻疹野毒株
Measles wild-type virus 麻疹野毒株
The neutralization antibody levels for measles vaccine virus and wild measles virus in sera of measles patients in acute phase and convalescent phase were determined by trace neutralization test.
SSPE due to wild virus has been reported in persons who have been immunized with measles vaccine and have no history of symptomatic natural measles infection.
Conclusions Wild-type measles virus prevailing in Zhejiang Province has appeared significant antigenic variation.