William Herschel Telescope 威廉·赫歇耳望远镜
William Herschel 威廉·赫歇尔 ; 赫胥尔
Frederick William Herschel 赫歇尔 ; 威廉·赫歇耳 ; 弗里德里希威廉赫歇尔 ; 弗里德里希·威廉·赫歇尔
John Frederick William Herschel 威廉·赫歇尔
william herschel museum 赫瑟尔博物馆
While all the planets orbiting the sun closer than this tilted blue giant have been known to humans since ancient times, Uranus wasn't spotted until William Herschel saw it in the 1781.
Her brother, William Herschel, discovered infrared light in 1800.
NGC 4452 was first seen by William Herschel in 1784 with his 47 cm telescope in England.
NGC 4452首见于1784年,是英格兰的威廉·赫瑟尔用他那47 cm的望远镜发现的。