wind profiler 风速廓线绘图仪 ; 风廓线仪
wind profiler radar 风廓线雷达
Wind Profiler System 气风温廓线雷达系统
lap wind profiler lap3000风温廓线仪
radar wind profiler 风廓线雷达
wind profiler data 风廓线仪的资料
vertical wind profiler 垂直风廓线
LAP3000 wind profiler LAP3000风温廓线仪
Compared with radiosonde data in the same period, the data of wind profiler is high reliable.
参考来源 - 青藏高原那曲地区风廓线结构的观测研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
An analysis of the relationship between the heavy rainfall from 6 to 7 July 2009 in Nanjing and low level jet is made on the data of boundary wind-profiler.
The variation of wind profile structure in Naqu area with the process of rainy season is analyzed by using the wind profiler data and statistic method.
Those results could be a reference to the application of the Doppler wind profiler data.