魔术剧《哈利波特魔法学校》 ... Witch Levitation 飘在半空的女巫 Vanishing Witch 女巫消失 Appearing Potion Bowl 药水碗出现 ...
For example, by accessing an MS Excel file from a storage device (SD card), Chrome OS will access MS Windows Live to open it up, if that's the online application configured to process such files.
举个例子,要想访问某个存储设备(SD卡)上的MS Excel文件,Chrome OS将使用MS Windows Live来打开它(假如之前已经配置好用该在线应用打开这类文件)。
In October, around the time when Google will make Chrome OS available, Microsoft will release Windows 7, the much-improved next iteration of its operating system.
到十月,也就是大约谷歌将发布Chrome OS系统的时候,微软将发布功能大大改善的下一代操作系统视窗7。
Chrome OS is Google's operating system that works entirely within the browser, meaning you can run it inside any Chrome browser, on any supported OS (like Windows or MAC), or on a dedicated machine.