PW Wing-in-Ground-Effect Patrol Craft 地效飞行艇
LCW Wing-in-Ground-Effect Landing Craft 地效飞行登陆艇
wing-in-ground effect 地面翼效应 ; 亦称为翼地效应
wing in ground effect vehicle 地面效应翼载具
WIG Wing-In-Ground-Effect 地面效应
Wing In Ground-effect vehicle 里海怪物
wing-in-ground-effect vehicle 飞翼艇
wing-in-ground effect vehicle 翼地效应机 ; 里海怪物
The simulation results provide theoretical basis for the design and optimization on the crafts of wing in ground effect .
Aerodynamic characteristics of 2d wing in viscous flows in the presence of ground effect were investigated by CFD techniques.
This paper presented a new theory of high supercritical planning by wing-in-ground effect unloading technology.