Wire-frame model 线框模型
wire-frame 立体线稿
wire frame model 线框模型 ; 线框架模型
Wire frame Modeling 线框建模
movable wire frame 移动式网案
wire frame representation 线框表示法 ; 有线框表示法 ; 主要有线框表示法
wire-frame viewfinder 线帧寻像器 ; 有线电报
wire frame grid 线框网格
wire-frame modeling 线框造型
N a visual representation of the structure of a web page 页面线框图
A raised wire frame should be placed under it with a drain provided in the floor.
One method that I find very useful is the creation of a wire frame or "white site" model.
Creating a set of wire frame templates AIDS in the design and development process, as well as making debugging and system changes easier over time.