...款中心,由收款中心存入当地银行,在由地方银行转到集中银行 锁箱 (lockbox) 增加额外费用--- 由收款人 电汇 (wire transfer)(需支付电汇手续费) Disbursement Float 支付延迟 信用交易 远端支付 (remote disbursement):以偏僻银行当付款银行,但常会被识...
Wire Transfer (银行电汇) Account Name(户名): THE 5TH IC-GPML 2017 Account No(账号): 908-166-702-7 SWIFT Code(SWIFT代码): UOVBTHBK Bank Nam...
...先填写询价单(要勾选详细的定制规格),送出去之后他们会给你报价,并且给你付款的银行资讯,付款必须透过银行汇款(wire transfer)。不收payapl,不收支票,不收汇票,不收信用卡,付清款项才动工。
Wire Transfer Payment 银行汇款 ; 他们线转移支付 ; 他们电汇付款
International Wire Transfer 国际电汇
try the wire transfer 请尝试电汇 ; 尝试用电线的转让 ; 尝试电汇
you wire transfer payment 你线转移支付 ; 电汇付款 ; 你电汇付款
local wire transfer 当地电汇 ; 本地电汇
You can wire transfer payment 您们能够电汇付款 ; 你可以线转移支付 ; 您们可以电汇付款
Bank Wire Transfer 银行电汇
Federal Reserves Wire Transfer System 美国联邦资金转账系统 ; 联邦资金转账系统 ; 转账系统
Are wire transfer payment 一般都是电汇付款
以上来源于: WordNet
They inform her that they found another wire transfer to an assassin from Belgrade.
Joe: Yes. You could wire transfer the payment into our bank account or open a letter of credit in our favor?
Leslie: Yes. You could wire transfer the payment into our bank account or open a letter of credit in our favor.