...First people only ate them uncooked » 第一人只吃未煮过的他们 Wishful » 如意 if i am angry with a friend during school and write something bad about her in my dairy » 如果我愤怒与一个朋友在学校和写...
Wishful thinking 如意算盘 ; 一厢情愿 ; 痴心妄想 ; 胡思乱想
Wishful milenio 千禧愿 ; 千喜愿
A Wishful Way 跳房子 ; 原唱田原 ; 冰鉴 ; 奢望中的天路
one's own wishful thinking 一头热 ; 一相情愿
a wishful thinking 根据愿望的想法 ; 不顾事实的想法 ; 我个人的一种一厢情愿
indulge in wishful thinking 白日做梦
Wishful Drinking 许愿之饮 ; 但愿长醉
Wishful Sinful 深深渴望
Wishful For Company 陪我漫漫长夜
同义词: desirous
同义词: aspirant aspiring(a)
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ having wishes or characterized by wishing 怀有希望的; 渴望的
It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.
I've got a feeling that Alex likes me, but that might just be wishful thinking.
Hope, for Bloch, has its starting point in fear, in uncertainty, and in crisis: it is a creative force that goes hand in hand with utopian "wishful images".
Wishful thinking.
And in this quest for what is best, positive psychology does not rely on wishful thinking, self-deception,or hand waving; instead,it tries to adapt what is best in the scientific method to the unique problems that human behavior presents " in all its complexity."