Bonds with warrants 债券 ; 附认购权证债券 ; 附认股权证的债券
Debt with Warrants 附认股权债 ; 债券
bond with warrants 附有认股权债券 ; 债券
Subordinated Debt with Warrants 含转股权的次级债
Preferred shares with warrants 附认股权特别股
Overseas corporate bond with warrants 海外附认股权公司债
Debt with Equity Warrants 及含有股票认股权证的债务
bonds with stock purchase warrants 带收买股票权的债券
They were armed with warrants.
They could sweeten the terms with guarantees, as the Brady bonds did, and offer investors a share in any Greek recovery with warrants related to the country’s future economic growth.
They could sweeten the terms with guarantees, as the Brady bonds did, and offer investors a share in any Greek recovery with warrants related to the country's future economic growth.