withdrawal symptom 禁戒症状 ; 戒断症状 ; 退瘾症状 ; 断瘾症状
a withdrawal symptom 断瘾症状
Prolonged withdrawal symptom 迁延性戒断综合症
protracted withdrawal symptom 稽延性戒断症状
withdrawal l symptom 戒断症状 ; 断瘾症状 ; 禁戒症状
Results: in the naloxone-precipitated tests, after injecting sinomenine for 10 days continuously, the mice and rats didn't show any withdrawal symptom and the loss of body weight.
Internet addiction is a kind of behavioral addiction , which is similar too ther addiction on characters, such as salience, withdrawal symptom, tolerance and relapse et al.
You think swelling is a symptom of withdrawal?