... General Symptoms 全身症状 withdrawal symptoms 脱瘾的不舒服症状 ; 戒断症状 ; 退缩症状 ; 戒断症候群 negative symptoms 阴性症状 ; 负性症状 ; 负向症状 ; 负面体征 ...
...溺是一种持续姓弓虽迫、且具有伤害姓的物质使用行为,一旦停止,会出现焦虑、颤抖、沮丧、绝望等退缩症状(withdrawal symptoms)。纽约精神病学家戈德堡医师(Dr.
protracted withdrawal symptoms 稽延性戒断症状
Without Withdrawal Symptoms 没有戒断症状
Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms 尼古丁戒断症候群
prolonged withdrawal symptoms 综合症
average value of withdrawal symptoms 戒断症状平均值
Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn 新生儿使用治疗性药物所致的脱瘾性症状
Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction 母体使用成瘾药物所致的新生儿脱瘾性症状
以上来源于: WordNet
N-PLURAL When someone has withdrawal symptoms, they feel ill after they have stopped taking a drug which they were addicted to. 脱瘾综合征
I got withdrawal symptoms after giving up smoking.
The removal of the drug or activity causes painful withdrawal symptoms.
Individuals with alcohol dependence may drink partly to reduce or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
It is often given to addicts to reduce symptoms of withdrawal from opioids like heroin.
VOA: special.2010.05.04
If you eat food for a long time and then you stop, let's say a high sugar diet or something and withdrawal symptoms occur, well that might mean addiction is occurring.
It is often given to addicts to reduce symptoms of withdrawal from opiods like heroin.
VOA: special.2009.02.10