withholding tax 预扣税 ; [税收] 预提税 ; [税收] 预扣税款
Withholding Tax Form 代扣所得税表 ; 代扣个人收税表
particular withholding tax 特殊预提税
interest withholding tax 利息预扣税 ; 利钱预扣税
dividend withholding tax 股息预扣税
federal withholding tax 代扣联邦税
Resident Withholding Tax 扣缴税 ; 居民预扣税 ; 居民代扣税
withholding tax rate [税收] 预扣税率
monthly withholding tax [税收] 每月预提所得税
withholding tax detail 预缴税 ; 扣缴税
In the meantime the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, like the foot-draggers, are deducting withholding tax from EU-resident savers anonymously, and answering specific requests for information.
Brazil recently doubled a tax on foreign purchases of its domestic debt. This week Thailand announced a new 15% withholding tax for foreign investors in its bonds.
Under a compromise, countries could either exchange tax information or deduct a withholding tax on the offshore accounts of EU members and remit it in bulk to the investors' home tax authorities.