The paper respectively proposed mean-variance and mean-VaR models without short sales,then used piv- oting algorithm and sequence of quadratic programming method to solve those models.
文章提出了不允许卖空情况的均值-方差和均值-VaR 两种投资组合模型,并运用不等式组的旋转算法或结合序列二次规划法进行求解。
参考来源 - 不允许卖空情况下均值·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
At that burn rate, GM could effectively run short of cash next summer, without even taking into account further sales declines.
Without the forward sales of real estate, the volatility of the spot price of private residential property would enlarge under the condition that supply falls short of demand.