"witness"是个多义词,它可以指黄崇旭,witness(同名专辑),witness(Witness 软件),witness(英文单词),Witness(凯蒂·佩里录音室专辑),witness(Benjamin Booker音乐专辑),witness(凯蒂·佩里演唱歌曲)。
[ 复数 witnesses 第三人称单数 witnesses 现在分词 witnessing 过去式 witnessed 过去分词 witnessed ]
...“审前作证”与“庭审质证” (一)“证人证言”概念的界定 证人的概念,应当结合证人的功能来进行分析。证人(witness)是“在法官面前应陈述自己对案件事实之感受之人”{2}。
...个见证,这样发生脑裂,只有拥有超过50%组件的对象才能提供服务。 好了,超过5分钟了,总结一下。西瓜哥认为,见证(witness)是VSAN非常有技巧的一个实现,它可以支持不同的高可用策略,而且可以有效防止脑裂。
The Witness 见证者 ; 目击者 ; 见证人 ; 我是证人
Silent witness 全民目击 ; 精英大师 ; 沉默的证人 ; 无声的证言
Global Witness 全球证人 ; 全球见证 ; 全球见证组织 ; 全球目击者
Witness Insecurity 护花危情
witness line 尺寸界线
The Last Witness 最后的证人 ; 下一个死者 ; 终极刺杀 ; 最后目击者
Witness for the Prosecution 控方证人 ; 原告证人 ; 夫证妻凶 ; 雄才伟略
expert witness 专家证人
Witness Protection Unit 保护证人组 ; 维护证人组
Secondly we should adopt the limitary immunity. Thirdly the prosecutor starts up the stain witness testimony system.
参考来源 - 污点证人作证豁免制度研究(研究生论文)The emergence and spread of the faith in King Guangfu is actually a witness of Guilin’s development and the incorporation of periphery cultures of different ethic groups into the mainstream culture.
参考来源 - 桂林的广福王信仰与地域文化建构·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: attestant attestor attestator
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A witness to an event such as an accident or crime is a person who saw it. 目击者
Witnesses to the crash say they saw an explosion just before the disaster.
这起坠机事故的目击者说, 在灾难发生之前他们看到了爆炸。
V-T If you witness something, you see it happen. 目击
Anyone who witnessed the attack should call the police.
N-COUNT A witness is someone who appears in a court of law to say what they know about a crime or other event. 证人
In the next three or four days, eleven witnesses will be called to testify.
N-COUNT A witness is someone who writes their name on a document that you have signed, to confirm that it really is your signature. 连署人
The codicil must first be signed and dated by you in the presence of two witnesses.
V-T If someone witnesses your signature on a document, they write their name after it, to confirm that it really is your signature. 连署
Ask a friend, (not your spouse), to witness your signature.
V-T If you say that a place, period of time, or person witnessed a particular event or change, you mean that it happened in that place, during that period of time, or while that person was alive. 见证
India has witnessed many political changes in recent years.