和上世纪40年代美国的民歌手伍迪·格斯里(woody Guthrie)一样,林生祥的歌没有一丝娱乐指数可言。在堂皇的音乐厅和体育馆里看不到他们的身影,他们的舞台是街头,他们的灯光是日晒和月照...
...20期 自然与科技 名人基因档案——伍迪·格思里和遗传性舞蹈病基因 伍迪就是伍迪生活于20世纪前半叶的伍迪·格思里(Woody Guthrie,1912-1967)是一位深受当代美国人民喜爱的民歌作家和民歌演唱家,他被称为美国民歌运动之父,人们像称呼家人那样叫他“伍迪”。
在这张专辑的最后,她还邀请到民歌传奇人物伍迪葛士瑞(Woody Guthrie)的儿子,同样也是资深民歌手的阿洛葛士瑞(Arlo Guthrie),一起演唱他的经典“Patriot's Dream”。
John McCutcheon sings Woody Guthrie 帅哥弗劳埃德
Very Best Of Woody Guthrie 唱片名
Emmylou Harris sings Woody Guthrie 流浪汉眠曲
Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie 对伍迪格里斯的最后思考
A Tribute to Woody Guthrie 向伍迪·格思里致敬
They included Bess' brother Alan as well as Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and Baldwin "Butch" Hawes, who became her husband.
VOA: special.2010.01.25
We leave you now with Pete Seeger performing his version of Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land."
VOA: special.2009.05.22
Like many other people, Woody Guthrie left Pampa to travel around Texas and the Southwest looking for work.
VOA: special.2010.06.13