Work in process inventory 在产品存货 ; 在制品盘存 ; 在程工作盘存 ; 在产品盘存
work in process - outsourced 委外加工 ; 寄托加工物资 ; 托付加工物资 ; 任用加工物资
construction work in process 在建工程
work-in-process cost 在产品成本 ; 产品成本
work-in-process costing 在产品计价 ; 产品计价
active work in process 实际在制品
Oracle Work In Process 制品管理 ; 生管管理系统 ; 生产管理系统
banked work in process 预留在制品
work-in- process 工作在─进程 ; 工作进程 ; 在工作
To realize these loops, some studies are focused including online data-acquirement, management of work-in-process, visualize of production data, material match and delivery, integrating with other information systems.
参考来源 - 混流装配生产的计划排序及其执行过程管理·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Kanban's aim is to minimize WIP (Work-In-Process), or inventory, between processes by making sure that the upstream process produces parts only if its downstream process needs it.
Kanban's aim is to minimize WIP (Work-In-Process), or inventory, between processes by making sure that the upstream process produces parts only if its downstream process needs it.
看板的目的是通过确保只有当下游工序需要时上游工序才生产零部件,进而最大限度地减少工序(process)之间的在制品(Work - In - process, WIP)或者库存。
What you have learned in the process will prove useful in your future work.