... 在产褥期 during the puerperium 在制品, 在产品 goods in process; work in process 在制品;在产品 goods in process ...
... 文书处理器;文字处理机 words and figures do not agree 工作周期 work in process 在制品 work in process tracking system ...
Work in process inventory 在产品存货 ; 在制品盘存 ; 在程工作盘存 ; 在产品盘存
work in process - outsourced 委外加工 ; 寄托加工物资 ; 托付加工物资 ; 任用加工物资
construction work in process 在建工程
work-in-process cost 在产品成本 ; 产品成本
work-in-process costing 在产品计价 ; 产品计价
active work in process 实际在制品
Oracle Work In Process 制品管理 ; 生管管理系统 ; 生产管理系统
banked work in process 预留在制品
work-in- process 工作在─进程 ; 工作进程 ; 在工作
Time is not a work in process, but a finished creation.
Video seems like it would also work well within this framework, but that's likely a work in process.
We are now ready to trace these costs through Work in Process and Finished Goods to the Cost of Goods Sold account.