定义 中文名称: 啮合角 英文名称: working pressure angle 定义: 一般情况下,两相啮轮齿的端面齿廓在接触点处的公法线与两节圆的内公切线所夹的锐角。 应用学科: 机械工程(一级学科); 传动(二级学科); 齿轮传
Secondly, this paper built a multi-objective optimization problem which made up with the volume function and the working pressure angle, analyzed the constrains which influenced the objective modal.
参考来源 - 偏曲轴少齿差行星减速器优化设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
During different lift range phases when a CAM controls the distribution spool of a giant hydraulic press, the CAM's requirement for the pressure Angle of its theoretical working profile is different.
Finally, the coal-rock mass in the arch angle and apex is slided, and causes the distortion of local rock pressure, even induces dynamic hazards around working face.
When the pressure decreases, variable pump will detect this change and automatically increase the angle to augment flow capacity, which causes the grab back to normal working condition.