(1)目前世界黄金存世分布比例 根据世界黄金协会(World Gold Council)的资料, 截至2003年10月, 世界各国官方黄金储备的前40名国家资料如下(与现在的数据相比变化不大): 从世界黄金协会提供的国家...
世界黄金理事会(World Gold Council)是由世界主要黄金生产商成立的组织。据该组织的数据,在拥有大额黄金储备的几十个国家中,中俄两国仍像过去一样排名靠后。
国信期货有限责任公司 。在本文作者所知情的范围内,本机构、本人以及财产上的利害关系人与所评价的期货没有任何利害关系。 世界黄金协会(World Gold Council,WGC)的报告显示,投资者需求令黄金价格于09年连续第九次增长。 WGC表示,黄金价格连续第九年增长,
the World Gold Council 世界黄金协会 ; 黄金协会 ; 世界黄金委员会
World Gold Council-WGC 世界黄金协会
World Gold Council figures 黄金协会
Introducing World Gold Council 世界黄金协会简介
World Official Gold Council 据世界黄金协会
以上来源于: WordNet
These concerns led investors to gobble up gold in the second quarter, the World gold Council said.
Second-quarter gold supplies reached 1, 131 metric tons, 18% higher on-year, the World Gold Council said.
We are working closely with the World gold Council to provide a variety of physical or physical backed gold solutions for our customers.
The World Gold Council says, in the first half of the year, India's gold imports slumped by 26 percent, dropping to their lowest level in six years.
VOA: standard.2009.09.19
The World Gold Council recently forecast gold mine output to climb by four percent in 2009 to about 2,500 metric tons, but that will meet only two-thirds of demand.
VOA: standard.2010.07.21
The managing director of the World Gold Council in India,Ajay Mitra, says there is a move away from spending on gold in big cities, such as Mumbai and Delhi.
VOA: standard.2009.09.19