据法新社报道,世界卫生组织(World Health Organisation WHO)的官员今天发出警告说:由于对国内烟草工业采取庇护政策,同时对公民缺少必要的健康教育,中国将在未来10-15内因医疗支出巨大和国...
More than 700 people have died from the swine flu virus worldwide since H1N1 emerged in April, the world Health Organisation (WHO) said.
Malaria remains one of the world's biggest killers - according to the world Health Organisation (WHO), a child dies of malaria every 30 seconds.
A PACK of the most popular cigarettes in the Seychelles in 2008 cost$15 at purchasing-power parity (PPP), based on data from the latest World Health Organisation (WHO) tobacco report.
世界卫生组织(WHO)最新的烟草报告数据中, 2008年在塞舌尔群岛购买一包最普通的香烟按照购买力平价(PPP)来测算需要花费15美元。