美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)是北美地区最高水平的职业棒球联赛,是美国四大职业体育联盟之一。世界大赛(World Series)是美国职业棒球大联盟于每年10月举行的总冠军赛,是美国及加拿大职业棒球最高等级赛事。
史上15次「独力三杀守备中,14次发生在常规赛,只有1次是在1920年的职棒总冠军赛「世界系列赛(World Series)中产生,当时印地安人队二垒手瓦姆斯冈斯(Bill Wambsganss)是在与布鲁克林道奇队比赛时完成。
球迷们正在翘首以待即将到来的世界职业棒球大赛(World Series),但我们大家都清楚美国真正的全国性休闲方式是什么:发牢骚。你能不能一整天都不发一句牢骚?
...支就是大名鼎鼎的杨基队(Yankees),另一支是大都会队(Mets)。前者拥有一批全国一流的棒球高手,拿过很多次世界联赛(World Series)冠军。杨基队的主赛场-著名的新杨基体育场(Yankee Stadium)位于布朗克斯区。
World Series of Poker 世界扑克大赛 ; 世界扑克系列赛 ; 世界扑克联赛 ; 世界扑克锦标赛
BBC Ancient World Series 古文明系列经典全记录 ; 古文明系列典范全记实
Micro Machines World Series 迷你机车世界大赛
Surf World Series 冲浪世界系列赛
Ancient World Series 古文明系列套装
World Series Baseball 世界系列棒球 ; 世界系列棒球美版
World Series by Renault 雷诺世界系列赛
World Series Of Boxing 世界拳击联赛
N (in the US and Canada) a best-of-seven playoff for the world championship between the two winning teams in the major leagues at the end of the season (美国和加拿大)世界大赛; 职业棒球联赛的季末冠军赛 [baseball]
Thus was the World Series of Poker (WSOP) humbly begun.
When was the last time St. Louis was in the World Series, you wonder?
I want FIRST to compete with the Superbowl, the World Series and the Olympics.
During his eighteen years in the major leagues, Clemente won many awards and helped his team win two World Series championships.
VOA: special.2010.04.11
One sports writer later described Clemente's throwing, running and hitting during the World Series as close to the level of perfection.
VOA: special.2010.04.11
He also led the Brooklyn Dodgers to six league championships and to baseball's World Series Championship in nineteen fifty-five.
VOA: special.2009.04.05