写透什么意思_有道词典 ... 你说我写得诗糟透了 My poetry was lousy, you said 蒙绘,*透写图 tracing 透写式高速缓冲存储器 through ; write through cache ...
免责声明 :什么叫 直写式高速缓存 ( Write-Through Cache ), 直写式高速缓存 ( Write-Through Cache )是什么 可能是转载作品,转载的目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。
... 支持缓存的应用程序 cache-enabled application 直写高速缓存 write-through cache 重复请求缓存 duplicate request cache ...
... radium cache 藏镭器 structure cache 结构超高速缓存... write-through cache 写入通过高速缓存...
two-way set-associative write-through cache 两路组联统写高速缓存
In a write-through cache, the data is written to the cache and to the disk before returning to the writing process to continue.
在write - through cache模式下,在返回到写入流程并继续之前,数据将写入到缓存然后再写到磁盘。
In a write-behind cache, data reads and updates are all serviced by the cache, but unlike a write-through cache, updates are not immediately propagated to the data store.
在write - behind缓存中,数据的读取和更新通过缓存进行,与write - through缓存不同,更新的数据并不会立即传到数据库。
8K stripe size RA-WT (write ahead/write-through) cache (C: for OS; D: for Utils; E: for Scanmail quarantine; F: for Domino files and data)
8K stripe size RA-WT (write ahead/write-through) 缓存(C:用于 OS;D:用于实用程序;E:用于Scanmail 隔离;F:用于 Domino 文件和数据)