...流畅地写, 当场写, 提笔就写(文章等);看不起, 认为无价值;毁掉, 杀掉, 干掉; 结束;函购, 发信索取 write off as 把...描写成; 把..
write sb off as 认为…毫无益处
His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed.
Also keep your client's outline and other forms in front of you as you write, and check off items as you write them.
His struggle to understand and accept his father's limitations echoes our own: he gives us a reason not to write Walter off as a hopeless loon.
People would invest in buildings solely for tax purposes because you could write off the depreciation on the building, so people were cynically setting up DPPs as tax shelters only.
人们可以仅仅为了避税而投资一幢大楼,因为你可以对大楼计提折旧,注,计提的折旧可以抵扣税前收益从而减少应交税金 所以讽刺的是DPP仅被当做了避税工具