... 耍 play 鬼脸 funny face; wry face; grimac ... 鬼脸 1.(故意做出来的滑稽面部表情) funny face; wry face; grimace 做鬼脸 make a wry face; make ...
make a wry face 做鬼脸 ; 颦眉蹙额
a wry face 难看的脸色
Made a wry face 摆出不悦的面孔
wry face things secretly 面对事情暗自苦笑
a wry face expressing distaste 表示厌恶的鬼脸
He pulled a wry face when I asked him how it had gone.
At first he made a wry face, but, one after another, the skins and the cores disappeared.
Pinocchio looked at the glass, made a wry face, and asked in a whining voice, "Is it sweet or bitter?"
And when Hobbes tells that story, which he mentions a couple of times in the book, one can only imagine he must have had a kind of wry grin on his face when he wrote that out.