x-ray radiograph X射线照相 ; X线检查
Soft x ray radiograph 软X射线摄影
portable x-ray radiograph 手提式x光机
Methods A suitable X-ray exposure conditions for full-leg digital radiograph was chosen according to the application of FCR-5000 CR imaging system and the exposure conditions of CR in osseous system.
方法以FCR-5000 CR成像系统的应用及CR在骨骼系统摄影条件的成像特性,来选择合适的下肢全长骨骼数字化X线的摄影条件。
The printer changes the traditional method acquiring the check-up date and number by lead letters radiated by X-ray in routine radiograph and makes check-up date and number regular and clear.
ResultsCervical, thoracic, and lumbar and sacral segments could clearly present at the same time on one X-ray film by seamless splicing, and the quality of one time radiograph was as good as one film.
结果:颈、胸、腰骶椎通过无缝拼接能同时在1张X 线片上清晰地显示,达到了颈胸腰骶椎一次成像片的满意效果。