乙氧桂皮酸 ethoxycinnamic acid 乙氧二硫甲酸;黄原酸 ethoxydithioformic acid; xanthic acid 乙氧乙烷;二乙基醚 ethoxyethane; diethyl ether ..
... 对乙酰酚碳酸乙酯 para-acetophenolethyl carbonate 硫羟羰碳酸乙酯 xanthic acid; xanthogenic acid 碳酸乙酯奎宁, 优奎宁 quinine ethylcarbonate ...
propyl xanthic acid 丙基黄原酸
free cellulose xanthic acid 游离纤维素黄酸
cellulose xanthic acid 纤维素黄原酸
Zinc amyiose-xanthic acid 淀粉黄原酸锌
N any of a class of organic sulphur-containing acids with the general formula ROC(S)SH, where R is an organic group 黄原酸