XML Binding Language (XBL) allows you to define behaviors, possibly in the form of handler scripts, related to XML elements.
XML 文档绑定语言(XML Binding Language, XBL)使您能够定义与 XML 元素相关的行为,这类行为通常采用处理程序脚本的形式。
In the most generic case, data binding means that the data in an XML document is turned into an object in the programming language being used.
Node is an XPath 1.0 expression that identifies the schema node to which the given binding declaration is associated (see XML Path Language for detailed XPath description).
node是一个XPath 1.0表达式,它指定与给定的绑定声明相关联的模式节点(对XPath的详细说明参见XML Path Language)。