核桃枝条酚类物质变化与枝条适应性研究 关键词 核桃韧皮部 木质部 多酚 多酚氧化酶 抗性 [gap=887]Key words Walnut shoot phloem,Xylem,Phenolics,Polyphenoloxidase(PPo),Anti。cold
primary xylem [植] 初生木质部 ; 原生木质部
xylem parenchyma [植] 木薄壁组织 ; [植] 木质部薄壁组织 ; 木薄壁细胞 ; 木质部薄壁细胞
secondary xylem 次生木质部 ; 再生的木质组织 ; 次生木质
xylem fiber 木质纤维 ; 木纤维
xylem ray [植] 木射线 ; 木质部射线
xylem sap 木质部汁液 ; 通过木质部液
xylem fibre 木纤维
xylem cell 木质细胞 ; 木质部细胞
There were well-developed vessels and fibers in the sec-ondary xylem.
参考来源 - 卵叶远志营养器官的结构及远志皂苷的组织化学定位和含量测定Glenea cantor overwintered with larvae in the phloem and the xylem of damaged-wood.
参考来源 - 南宁市园林天牛群落结构及眉斑楔天牛生物生态学特性研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N a plant tissue that conducts water and mineral salts from the roots to all other parts, provides mechanical support, and forms the wood of trees and shrubs. It is of two types (protoxylem and metaxylem), both of which are made up mainly of vessels and tracheids 木质部 → see also protoxylem, metaxylem