...04-19 17:28 赞(0) 弱(0) 期待 来自iPhone客户端 雷磊RAY( )2017-04-19 11:00 赞(5) 弱(0) 好 来自iPhone客户端 xylon(半亩方塘)2017-04-18 22:48 赞(1) 弱(0) 清晨被流水声吵醒,又是新的一天,不知道是第几架飞机起飞了,穿过云层的干干的轰鸣声,今天是个晴...
The blend treated mechanically was extracted by xylon and aceton one by one.
Surface organic modification plays an important role in improving wood fillers (xylon and wood flour) dispersion and enhancing the interfacial interactions between the wood fillers and polymer matrix.
表面有机化改性是提高木质填料( 木纤维或木粉)的分散程度和增强其与聚合物基体界面相互作用的重要手段。