在公元一八七Ο年以前,无论英国、美加或欧陆各国,几乎每个稍有名气的游艇会(Yacht Club)都订有一部自家适用且对之可作独断阐释的泛舟比赛规则(Racing Rules of Sailing),由于那时游艇会之间的舟赛还不常见,这类主观...
Cruising Yacht Club of Australia 澳洲游艇俱乐部
The Yacht Club 赛艇俱乐部 ; 游艇俱乐部
NEW YORK YACHT CLUB 纽约游艇俱乐部 ; 纽约帆船俱乐部 ; 纽约游艇会 ; 与挑战者纽约帆船队
Hainan Noble Yacht Club 海南贵族游艇会
Monaco Yacht Club 继摩纳哥游艇俱乐部
Ocean Marina Yacht Club 游艇俱乐部 ; 海洋游艇俱乐部酒店 ; 海洋游艇俱乐部
Bitter End Yacht Club 游艇俱乐部 ; 终结痛苦游艇俱乐部 ; 痛苦的终点游艇俱乐部
SeaDream Yacht Club 海梦游艇俱乐部 ; 俱乐部 ; 海梦 ; 澳洲海之梦游艇俱乐部
The Suva Yacht Club 苏瓦游艇俱乐部
The article gives a detailed explanation of many aspects from the profession choice of investment,the feasibility analysis of technology market to finance. It proposes the feasibility of developing and constructing a yacht club and has carried on the institutional risk analysis.
参考来源 - 青岛奥林匹克帆船中心开发建设游艇俱乐部项目的可行性研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The 'bow' of the Yacht Club opens onto outdoor decks at all three levels.
The Southern Yacht Club, on Lake Pontchartrain, is the second oldest in the country.
With the hotels unique positioning, all our guest will have direct access to the Marina as well as the International yacht club.