... 你好同学, 很高兴为你解答疑问。 一般同学和家长会考虑读预科, 如果你高中成绩和学习能力优异,可以考虑不读预科,而直接申请申请国际大一(Year One Diploma),成绩及格可以直升本校大二,当然也有机会申请请其他大学的,需要你完成高三课程。这样的课程开设的院校选择范围相对比较小。
Diploma Year one 大一文凭课程 ; 第四
One-year Diploma and Certificates 一年证书课程
One-Year Graduate Conducting Diploma 一年制研究生乐队指挥文凭
One way to start this transformation process could be to go beyond the "five-year diploma model" to adapt curricula to lifelong learning.
In other words, the study notes, at the peak of their earning power, the average worker with only a high school diploma earns only about as much as a college graduate one year out of school.
In other words, the study notes, at the peak of their earning power, the average worker with only a high school diploma earns only about as much as a college graduate one year out of school.