酵母葡聚糖(Yeast Glucan)是以β-13-D-葡萄糖为主链, β-16-D-葡萄糖为支链的高分子多糖;分子量约为1000KD;主要存在于酵母细胞壁的内层。
目前,作为国内酵母研发、经营的领军型企业,安琪酵母针对免疫力低下者、接触辐射者,推出了酵母多糖(Yeast Glucan)胶囊产品;在食品运用领域,也将酵母葡聚糖运用了到面包、饼干、饮料等产品的开发上,以增加食物营养。
The hydrolysis by H2SO4 and TFA under different hydrolysis conditions was compared to analyze their influence on the measurement of insoluble yeast glucan content.
The first combines 3f8 with beta glucan, a substance made from yeast that may enhance the immune system, particularly in conjunction with 3f8, and thus make the 3f8 treatment more effective.
第一种是3 F 8加贝塔葡聚糖。贝塔葡聚糖提炼于酵母菌,它可以增强免疫系统——特别是与3f 8联合应用时,因此会增强3f8的疗效。
Krill meal, fish meal, squid liver powder, mussel meal, liver meal, brewer yeast, spirulina, wheat flour, seaweed powder, pearl powder, astaxanthin, - glucan, vitamin and trace minerals.
磷虾肉,鱼肉,乌贼肝末粉,牡蛎肉,肝脏,啤酒酵母,蓝绿藻,面筋粉,海藻粉, 珍珠粉,虾红素, -多糖体,维他命及微量矿物质。