Eshan Yi Autonomous County 峨山彝族自治县
Shilin Yi Autonomous County 石林彝族自治县
Jingdong Yi Autonomous County 景东彝族自治县
Ninglang Yi Autonomous County 宁蒗彝族自治县
yi-county 黟县
ping yi county 平邑县
Yi County Zhuo Jun 易县属涿郡
An Yi county dialect 安义方言
What's more? Develop the cocoon silk industry cluster in Yi County by the resources allocation effect of market.
参考来源 - 黟县茧丝绸产业发展研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The postcode of Yi County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, China is 245500.
The structure characteristic the main body of a book being adopt to depict and comparing the method progressive aspect to An Yi county dialect.
Born in Feb 1922, a native of Yi county of Anhui province. He is a Senior Master of Arts and Crafts of Jiangxi, an Arts and Crafts Master of China and a Ceramic Artist.