You'll get through this 你能度过这件事
In the bulk of the rest of this article, you'll get to run through a lot of fundamental questions about your skills, preferences, and application needs.
You'll never get through medical school with spelling like this.
You'll cry as you get to know the familial relationships and cruelty involved, but you'll also get a sense of hope as you quickly read through this gripping novel.
You can read the details of this, which are not fascinating, but we'll get through this and move onto more interesting things.
Again, pset one will walk you through this and you'll get familiar with this stuff, even though it looks a little arcane at first glance.
I want to talk about the goal of the course, what it is you'll be able to do at the end of this course when you get through it, and then I want to begin talking about the concepts and tools of computational thinking, which is what we're primarily going to focus on here.