你是因为我的照片 » You because my photos 是否大家都接受还是不接受这样的方案? » Whether you accept or not to accept such a proposal?
You is because my photos 你是因为我的照片
You because of my photos 你是因为我的照片
Because You Are My Photos 你是因为我的照片
T look the same to you, because your brain is correctly interpreting them as what once in a shadow, as sending, say a thousand photos per second into my eye.
但是,大家看起来却不一样,But, they, don,因为你们的大脑正确地给予了解释,处于阴影当中,每秒钟向你的眼睛发出一千张图片。
My photos will never be as happy as that time, because you took away my soul and smile!
I like photography, because I found that I need. But it is from and you need to express love. The photos telling you my love.