Hopefully you think 我希望你和我 ; 希望你觉得我
Hopefully you think I 希望你觉得我 ; 我希望你和我
Hopefully see you tommorow 愿君欢聚在明日
Hopefully You 希望你们
Hopefully you get along good 希望你们相处愉快
And then after a few minutes or maybe an hour, you hopefully have at least one dancing cookie.
Hopefully, you won't have any problems after reading this.
'Are you free tonight?' she asked hopefully.
Hopefully,in September or October we might be able to begin either a GED program for you, connecting you then with a college, with a transition program for career pathways."
VOA: special.2009.08.20
And then after a few minutes or maybe an hour, you hopefully have at least one dancing cookie.
And hopefully getting a degree and earning probably twice the amount you would if you are working.