... 能告诉我吗? 是秘密吗 » Can you tell me? Do is secret 不准进入 » You must not enter 家庭风波 » Family affair ...
If you enter your neighbor's grainfield, you may pick kernels with your hands, but you must not put a sickle to his standing grain.
And if candidate nodes already have hashcash installed (but not some custom software tool), answering a hashcash challenge can act as a sort of "you must be this tall to enter this ride" style check.
如果参与节点已经安装了hashcash(而不是一些定制的软件工具),那么,对hashcash质询的回答就可以作为一种“必须达到某种高度才能登堂入室(you must be this tall to enter this ride)”风格的校验。
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