He made a serious mistake in spelling. Can you point it out?
I lose my way and it's not too long before you point it out. I cannot cry because I know that's weakness in your eyes.
If someone makes a statement that you think is wrong, it's better to point it out by saying, "I thought otherwise but I might be wrong, let's look at the facts."
But, you know, his experiment wasn't so great, and, you know, maybe had a fever when he did the reference point with 96, whatever. It turns out that it's not 96 to 9 be in good health, it's 98.6 -- whatever.
We'll be using the solutions, so you shouldn't have a problem, but I wanted to point it out so it does not look too strange to you.
And things we've been repeating year after year after year, because they sound so reasonable, suddenly sound unreasonable when some of you point out some aspect of it that you didn't follow.