... You Should Correct It 你就应该改正 You Should Drop It 你应放下它 You Should Fulfill It 你就要兑现 ...
You should create an index in a separate table space so that if something goes wrong with the index table space, you can easily drop it and then recreate the same indexes.
If you do decide to drop an index, you should first save its create index statement so that you can easily recreate it if necessary.
如果您决定删除索引,那么首先要保存它的CREATE index语句,以便在需要时轻松地重新创建它。
You can use ALTER TABLE with the DROP VERSIONING clause for the same purpose, but IBM suggests sparse use of DROP VERSIONING because it can cause invalidation, which should be avoided if possible.
您可以使用ALTER TABLE和DROP versioning子句实现相同用途,但IBM建议尽量少使用DROP VERSIONING,因为它可能导致无效性,这应该尽可能避免。
So you should drop the homework before you come into class, rather than furiously work on it during class, and the solutions will be posted the same afternoon.