...网的《决战之夜》(Decision Night in America)收视表现最好(4.0,1115万);ABC电视网的《大选之夜》(Your Voice Your Vote – Election Night 2016)次之(2.7,924万);CBS电视网的《竞选2016:大选夜》(Campaign 2016: Election Night)排位第三(2.
"Of course everyone is entitled to a peer group that they enjoy, " Burk, who is also the author of "Your Voice, YourVote: The Savvy Woman's Guide to Power, Politics, and the Change We Need, " said.
"If you're one of the millions of Americans who have yet to cast yourvote in this democratic process, beginning on Feb. 5 and moving beyond, yourvoice will be heard, and we will be there with you every single step of the way, " Edwards told supporters.