英格兰东北 ( England North East )是 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 英格兰下辖的9个 次级行政区之一,东面临海,主要以小型城市为主,包括桑德兰和纽卡斯尔。
North East England 东北英格兰 ; 英国东北部 ; 英格兰东北地区
the North East of England 位于英格兰东北部
North East of England 东北英格兰
It students at one school in north east England are lucky.
Retail Active, says the South East of England has the highest food waste tally, second is the North West and the area with the least wastage is Scotland.
此外“零售活动”还表示英格兰东南部食物浪费现象最为严重,位居第二的是西北地区。 而苏格兰则是很少浪费食物的地区。
In September, a humpback whale was spotted near Farne Islands, off the coast of North-East England.