...描写、步移法、静态及动态描写 于初中时曾学习的阅读理解基本能力、文言文阅读能力、语文基础知识等 English Language (英国语文) Paper 1 (Reading): 2 or 3 sections of reading passages with related questions in HKDSE exam format.
English Language Institute 语言中心 ; 语言学校
English language proficiency 英文考试成绩最低要求
English Language Preparatory Program 英文专修课程
Secure English language tests 安全语言测试
English Language Centre 英文语言中心 ; 语言中心
English-language 英国语言的
Writing possesses an essential part in English language skills.
参考来源 - 语用预设在英语写作教学中的应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
She was a master of the English language.
I find the great beauty of English language from English songs, English stories and English books.
Many foreign words have passed into the English language.
Today,belittle is used, not only in the United States and England, but in other countries where the English language is spoken.
VOA: special.2010.08.08
That's a term that first entered the English language sometime in the mid-nineteenth century, but of course the concept goes earlier.
Learn it and master this and master all of these steps and you will master the English language step by step.